Do you have the guts?

Pumpkin season is in full swing and with Halloween just around the corner, you’ve probably thought about carving a pumpkin or 2 or 3 or 4 in the coming week. Pumpkins are the best way to show your neighbourhood that you have the Halloween spirit and they are a welcoming sign for the little ghosts and goblins that will be trekking through the streets in hopes of filling their pillowcase full of delicious candy. The pumpkin is more than just a symbol that your house is open for Halloween, it’s filled with delicious pumpkin seeds and nutritional pumpkin guts that deserve more than just being tossed into the compost bin. I’ve scoured the internet to find some amazing things you can do with your pumpkin guts if you have the guts to give them a chance.

1. Homemade Pumpkin Puree

Put down the can! There are a ton of recipes that call for pumpkin puree, from muffins to pies and even cookies, so why not learn how to make your own? You’ll h have delicious pumpkin puree in a few easy steps, first separate the seeds from the guts after removing them from the pumpkin with a carving tool and blend them in the food processor until they're smooth, then use the blended pumpkin guts instead of purée in your favorite pumpkin recipes

2. Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

If you’ve never done this, let me just start by saying, you’re welcome! Homemade roasted pumpkin seeds are a real nutritional treat and so easy to do! First, separate the seeds from the guts and then wash them thoroughly. Add them to a bowl with some oil and toss with your favourite seasonings, I usually only use salt. Spread them out on a baking sheet, and roast at 350 for about 10-12 minutes, give them a shuffle mid-way through.

3. Homemade Stock or Broth

If you’re not already making your own broth, you really should and pumpkin guts are a great addition to any broth! Just boil all of the pumpkin leftovers with onions, and some herbs, then strain it to get a pulp-free liquid. Make yourself a soup right away or freeze cubes and add them to soups and stews to extend those delicious fall flavours into the Winter.

4. Pumpkin Risotto

I’ll let you in on a little secret, adding squash to a risotto can result in the most creamiest and delicious meal you’ve ever tasted. We sometimes forget that the pumpkin is a squash and can be swapped out in any delicious recipe that calls for some. It will give a richness of flavour that you never thought possible and best of all, it will taste like Fall.

5. Pumpkin Butter

Pumpkin and toast are a match made in heaven! Why? You ask? Well, pumpkin guts can be made into butter in a few easy steps! Simply boil the guts with a bit of sweetness to make them rich and flavorful and puree them into a smooth and tasty butter! These make great little housewarming gifts this time of year.

6. Pumpkin Sherbet

This might sound made up but it’s real and you can even make it yourself! It all starts with a fresh pumpkin puree so once you have that, find yourself a recipe online that calls for fresh pumpkin puree, and just like that, you’ll have a tasty dessert.

7. Pumpkin Donuts

Pumpkin donuts, muffins, cookies or basically any pastry can be turned into pumpkin-spiced deliciousness. Again, this all starts with a good pumpkin puree but it goes from guts to glory in a matter of minutes.

8. Pumpkin Spice Latte

No pumpkin list can be complete without the infamous pumpkin spice latte, better known as the PSL. Your pumpkin guts combined with a bit of sweetness, pumpkin pie spice, and a sprinkling of pepper will make this homemade latte a thousand times better than the one from your friendly neighbourhood coffee chain.